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Our screens are usually conducted from birth to 5 years of age. This individual assessment screens a number of areas of development.


An electronic copy of the child's results will be sent to the parents, along with suggestions for additional intervention or at-home exercises to strengthen any areas of weakness, if needed.​​​

Gross Motor

Coordination and movement skills, balance, reflexes, muscle tone, core/postural strength, ball skills

Fine Motor Development

Hand dominance, strength and endurance, fine motor control, visual-motor integration, scissor skills, proprioceptive awareness

Visual &
Auditory Skills

Visual memory, visual attention, scanning and auditory filtering
skills, puzzle skills

Social, Emotional
& Behavioural Development

Through observations and interview from parents, teacher and/or other key stakeholders

Early Intervention

The early childhood years are just as important for children with disabilities and developmental delays as they are for all children. All their future development is based on the critical learning patterns laid down during this period.


The early years are also critical for the whole family. This is when families can best begin to learn how to support and nurture their child, how to meet their child's needs, and how to adapt positively to having a child with a disability or a developmental delay.

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