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A paediatric physiotherapist works with babies, children and their families to help achieve goals and optimise participation. We help to restore or improve movement and function after an injury or condition that impacts a child’s growth and development. Some children with or without conditions experience physical and motor skills difficulties, a paediatric physiotherapist can assist the child overcome or manage these difficulties.  

Physiotherapy can help address

conditions or concerns with:

Plagiocephaly (flat head shape) or torticollis

Delayed milestones or intolerance (tummy time, rolling, independently sitting, crawling, walking, running)

Developmental hip dysplasia

Functional skills

(riding bikes, trampoline or playground climbing)

Nurse with Young Patient

Walking concerns: bow or knock knees, flat feet, toe or heel walking

Clumsiness, trips & falls

Gross motor skills (jump/hop, ball skills, coordination)

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Cerebral Palsy (CP), Down Syndrome and other genetic disorders

Hypermobility or Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS)

Sporting injuries e.g. sprains, stress fractures, muscle tears, pre-post surgical management

Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)

Neuromuscular diseases e.g. Duchene muscular dystrophy

Kids Racing

Poor posture - persistent W sitting or slouched posture

Musculoskeletal conditions: Junvenile Idiopahic Arthritis, Sever's disease, Osgood Schlatter disesase, Perthes


Chronic fatigue syndrome 

and chronic pain

When should you see
a physiotherapist?


Ongoing pain that is not related to an injury is not normal. Especially if that pain impacts your child's daily life or activities.


If your child's lack of coordination or clumsiness is affecting their ability to participate in sports, or playground, especially if their clumsiness is leading to an increase in trips and falls.


If you noticed that your child is flopping, unable to stay upright, becoming more clumsy or gets tired quickly, a physiotherapist can assist in addressing these concerns.


If your child is experiencing any of the following:

  • Lots of tripping/falling

  • Persistent toe-walking

  • Falling behind peers

  • Persistent limp/pain

Gross motor

If your child is significantly behind, stagnating or regressing in gross motor skills (rolling, sitting, crawling, walking, running, jumping, throwing, etc.)

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