Ever Wondered What Therapists Do in Those 15 Minutes?
Prior to the session, therapists typically will look over and reflect on the previous session notes, researching therapy activity ideas (so that they are not recycling the same old activities whilst improving their professional skills), creating a plan, making resources, collecting resources, and packing their therapy kits.
After the session, therapists will follow up with families by text/phone call/emails if required. They will write in-depth notes and any thoughts or plans for the next session, and complete admin or invoicing tasks.
Other tasks that may be included in the time include (but are not limited to):
quick liaison with key stakeholders (e.g. chat with teachers post session)
shopping for new resources specifically for client's goals and skills
sanitising, setting up and packing down of equipment
organising therapy appointments
replying to follow-up emails and phone calls
doing further research and professional development to further understand client's disability
Individual Therapy
Treatment sessions with our clients can work on the following areas (and more!)
​Fine motor skills
Gross motor skills
Written expression
Visual perception
Executive functioning
Emotional regulation
Sensory processing
​Social skills
Self-care activities
​​Daily routines & tasks (e.g. meal preparation)​
Access to the community
Developing relationships
Exploring self-identity and sexuality
Money management & budgeting skills
​Mental health
Using a phone, computer or other technologies
Safety awareness
Accessing tertiary education & study options
Employment and developing job specific skills
Group therapies or sibling sessions are an excellent approach to further develop much needed skills, as well as learn from each other. We run various different types of groups (e.g. handwriting groups, mini-olympics, parent support groups, arts & crafts, etc.) and these are subject to vary based on the needs of our clients.
During the school holidays, we also provide something a little different, which can be beneficial for clients and families looking for a change of pace.