Accessing Our Services
ABC Therapy delivers therapy services through a range of funding options.
ABC Therapy is a registered provider for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in Western Australia. We can support you in achieving your goals in your NDIS plan and help you make the most out of your funding.​​
To be eligible to receive funding under the NDIS, you must meet certain age, disability, and residence requirements. You can determine your eligibility by completing the eligibility checklist on the NDIS website.
If you meet the eligibility criteria and would like to access the NDIS, please call 1800 800 110 and ask to make an Access Request.
Pay Privately
Our services can also be accessed privately for a fee if you are not eligible for government funding and want to access extra support services.
Please note we do not offer bulk billing. Medicare rebates apply to some services. Health insurance rebates may also apply to some services. Please contact your private health insurer for more information.
We can provide services under the Chronic Disease Management (CDM) Plan. Kindly get in touch with your GP for a referral. This plan entitles you to a maximum of 5 Allied Health sessions per calendar year. The referring GP determines the number and combination of services that are appropriate for the patient.
Only a GP can determine whether the patient’s “chronic condition” would benefit from allied health services. If you do receive this referral, please provide a scanned copy prior to your first appointment so that your invoice will be accurate
As we do not bulk bill for services, there will be a payment gap. The gap is the difference between the cost of our service and the amount that Medicare reimburses for each service.