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Contact Us

Have a question? Need more information?

Fill in your details below and we will get back to you shortly.

Image by Julietta Watson

989 Albany Highway, East Victoria Park 6101 WA

(08) 6246 5566

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Hands Reaching

Join our team!

ABC Therapy is always looking for talented, like-minded individuals. In addition to providing excellent client services, our mobile clinic is looking for individuals who can bring their own abilities and passion to the table and work well with a friendly and supportive team.


If you would like to learn more about working at ABC Therapy, please contact us at We look forward to hearing from you!

Therapy Session

We value your feedback

ABC Therapy encourages feedback from all clients, carers, and the community.


There are a few ways you can do this, you can speak directly with the people who are providing your services, email us at or call us at (08) 6246 5566.


ABC Therapy will let you know that your feedback has been received within 5 working days. If your feedback is a complaint, you will be provided with a dedicated contact person and informed of how long we may expect it to take to resolve your complaint.

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